
The IACA will elect two Board positions this year:

  • President
  • Treasurer

The average anticipated workload of the above position is approximately 15 hours per week, and significantly more during peak times of the year and at the annual conference. These roles includes a three-year term. 

The election process is governed by the IACA Bylaws and the policies and procedures as determined in the IACA Election Committee’s Charter. 

IACA members who have been a member in good standing for at least two years prior to nomination are allowed to self-nominate.  You can confirm your membership status in your profile.

Schedule of Election Events

  1. June 24, 2024:  Announce elections process via Announcements Forum.
  2. July 22-August 19, 2024:  Self-nomination phase. 
    1. Candidates must self-nominate. 
    2. Candidates shall be a member in good standing and have been a confirmed IACA member for a minimum of two years prior to running for a position.
    3. Candidates will only be permitted to run for one position open in any given election year.
  3. August 23, 2024:  Deadline for nominees to submit optional campaign statements and videos. 
  4. September 9, 2024:  Campaign statements and videos posted to the IACA Elections webpage and Forum. 
  5. September 16, 2024:  Voting opens.
  6. September 16-20, 2024:  IACA Annual Training Conference.
  7. October 15, 2024:  Voting closes.
  8. October 16-20, 2024:  Tallying phase. 
  9. October 21, 2024 (no later than):  IACA Board & candidates notified of the results.    
  10. October 24, 2024 (no later than):  Announce results to membership via Announcements Forum.  
Vote / View Candidate Statements

The President has the following duties and responsibilities:

  • To preside at all IACA membership meetings and Executive Board meetings;
  • To present at each Annual Meeting an Annual Report of the activities of the IACA;
  • To prepare the agenda for Annual Meeting and Executive Board meetings;
  • To manage the goals, projects, and priorities of the association;
  • To nominate the chairperson and members of all committees, temporary and permanent, and under the rules established in Article VII;
  • To serve as ex officio member of all committees, permanent and temporary, except the Ethics Committee;
  • To exercise other powers and duties as may reasonably be construed as belonging to the Chief Executive of an organization.

The President is currently the direct board liaison to the following committees: Bylaws, Mentoring, Technology, Training, and Conference. Board liaison roles are subject to change depending on the needs of the IACA. 

The Treasurer has the following duties and responsibilities:

  • To ensure the care and custody of all funds belonging to the association;
  • To deposit funds received through membership dues and other sources;
  • To distribute funds authorized by the members or by the Executive Board, consistent with the provisions outlined in Article V;
  • To provide to the membership, on a quarterly basis, a statement on the association’s current treasury balance;
  • To provide to the membership at the Annual Meeting a detailed list of expenditures for the previous year;
  • To chair the Finance Committee, if formed under the provisions of Article VII;
  • To arrange for an independent audit of the accounts every three years, as a newly elected Treasurer takes office;
  • To file all applicable taxes.

Due to United States banking regulations and laws, in order to become Treasurer, one must live in the United States as a full-time resident, have a social security number, and be able to have bank accounts.

The Treasurer is currently the direct board liaison to the following committees: Elections, Logistics, Mail Assistant, and Financial Assistant. Board liaison roles are subject to change depending on the needs of the IACA.


The Elections Committee will receive and respond to any complaints about election procedures or refer them to the IACA Ethics Committee.

Please contact the Elections Committee at [email protected] if you have any questions about the nomination or election process.