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Virtual Conference: Offline Connections: Enhancing Investigations with NCIC Logscans
Thursday, September 05, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Training

Join us for the last session in this year's FREE Virtual Conference!

Offline Connections: Enhancing Investigations with NCIC Logscans

  • WhenSeptember 5th, 2024 @ 1400 ET
  • How much? FREE for all attendees
  • Register here!
  • This webinar will be recorded

If you are wondering, “What is an offline?”, then this session is for you! This class will first overview logscans’ investigative value, outline how to request and assess returns, and share case successes. Then, attendees can go hands-on to analyze a sample offline using Excel tools and formulas.

Most analysts in investigative support positions utilize NCIC queries for checking criminal history, warrants, stolen property, and other information. But many analysts are unfamiliar with NCIC offlines (also known as logscans) and the value that they can provide to an investigation. The first 40 minutes of this session will cover: What is a logscan/offline, agencies that generate them both federally and locally, when and how to request; differences federal vs. local returns, and case examples where offlines played a key role in connecting the dots. The remainder of the class will share a case scenario where students “request” an offline and break down how to analyze a sample return in Excel using simple tools and formulas. Students who have their computers can follow along with a provided sample logscan, and all students will be provided with template language and the sample logscan to be shared via download link.

This class was presented at the AZ Association of Crime Analysts 2023 Training Symposium and the IACA Training in August 2023, with several students putting their new knowledge to use within weeks of attending.

Seating is limited to the first 500 attendees. For further details on recording, certificates/CEUs and other registration info, please visit this page. Registration is now open!

If you have questions about the webinar program, please view our FAQs page or email [email protected].

Contact: [email protected]